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The Cisco 350-201 exam consists of 90-110 questions and has a duration of 120 minutes. 350-201 exam tests the candidate's knowledge of Cisco security technologies, including network security, cloud security, endpoint protection, threat intelligence, and incident response. 350-201 Exam is available in English and Japanese and can be taken at authorized testing centers or online.
A malware outbreak is detected by the SIEM and is confirmed as a true positive. The incident response team follows the playbook to mitigate the threat. What is the first action for the incident response team?
Answer: D
An organization suffered a security breach in which the attacker exploited a Netlogon Remote Protocol vulnerability for further privilege escalation. Which two actions should the incident response team take to prevent this type of attack from reoccurring? (Choose two.)
Answer: A,C
To prevent a security breach exploiting the Netlogon Remote Protocol vulnerability from reoccurring, the incident response team should implement a patch management process and apply existing patches to the company servers5. Patch management ensures that all systems are up-to-date with the latest security patches, which can prevent known vulnerabilities from being exploited6. Applying existing patches is a critical step in securing systems against identified threats, such as the Netlogon Remote Protocol vulnerability5.
Drag and drop the NIST incident response process steps from the left onto the actions that occur in the steps on the right.
Refer to the exhibit. An organization is using an internal application for printing documents that requires a separate registration on the website. The application allows format-free user creation, and users must match these required conditions to comply with the company's user creation policy:
* minimum length: 3
* usernames can only use letters, numbers, dots, and underscores
* usernames cannot begin with a number
The application administrator has to manually change and track these daily to ensure compliance. An engineer is tasked to implement a script to automate the process according to the company user creation policy. The engineer implemented this piece of code within the application, but users are still able to create format-free usernames. Which change is needed to apply the restrictions?
Answer: A
Refer to the exhibit.
An engineer notices a significant anomaly in the traffic in one of the host groups in Cisco Secure Network Analytics (Stealthwatch) and must analyze the top data transmissions. Which tool accomplishes this task?
Answer: D
In Cisco Secure Network Analytics (Stealthwatch), when an engineer needs to analyze the top data transmissions to identify significant anomalies in traffic within a host group, the Top Conversations tool is used. This tool provides a detailed view of the communication between hosts, showing which pairs of hosts are exchanging the most data. By examining the top conversations, the engineer can pinpoint which specific data flows are contributing to the anomaly and take appropriate action.
The Top Conversations tool is particularly useful for this task because it focuses on the interactions between hosts, rather than just the volume of traffic (Top Ports), the individual hosts themselves (Top Hosts), or the peers (Top Peers) involved in the network communications. It allows for a more granular analysis of the network traffic, which is essential for identifying and addressing anomalies.
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